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High-efficiency deep grinding (HEDG) offers the possibility to achieve very high material removal rates, while keeping good workpiece surface integ- rity.高效深磨(HEDG)提供了达到很高材料去除率,同时保持工件良好表面完整性的可能。 High wheel speeds (up to 250 m/s), high feed rates, and deep cuts (e.g. 1–8 mm) are typically used in HEDG and the introduction of super abra- sives such as cubic boron nitride (CBN) helps further reduce the heat partitioning to the workpiece and increase wheel life [1–7].在HEDG中一般都采用高的轮速(高达250 m/s),高的进给速度和深的切削(例如1-8mm),而采用超硬磨料(例如立方氮化硼,CNB)有助于进一步减少对工件的热分配和延长砂轮的寿命1-7。

The partitioning of the grinding heat to the different heat sinks (workpiece, wheel, grinding fluid, and grinding chips) varies with process conditions and is a controlling factor when designing a grinding pro- cess, in order to work within a safe regime without causing any thermal damage to the workpiece.磨削热对不同受热体(工件、砂轮、磨削液和磨削碎片)的分配随着加工条件而变,而且在设计磨削工艺是是一个控制因素,以便在一个不至于引起工件热损伤的安全安全状况下工作。 Due to the unique heat transfer mechanism associated with the high Peclet number (Pe) and large contact angle in HEDG, a substantial amount of grinding heat can be taken away by the grinding chips [2–7], 由于在HEDG中与高的Peclet数和大的接触角联系在一起的、独特的传热机理,相当大量的磨削热可以被磨削碎片带走2-7,which is usually negligible in conventional finish grinding and creep feed grinding. The grinding tem- perature at the finish surface can be much lower than that at the wheel–work contact surface, owing


*Corresponding author: Manufacturing Systems Department, Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bedfordshire MK43 0AL, UK.

通讯作者:英国贝德福德MK43 OAL,克兰菲尔德,克兰菲尔德大学,制造系统系

email: t.jin@cranfield.ac.uk

E-mail: t.jin@cranfield.ac.uk

to the relatively small thermal penetration depth within the workpiece and the continuous removal of grinding chips.由于在工件内相对较小的热渗透深度和不断去除的磨削碎片