成语大全网 - 成语解释 - 汉语中的外来词有哪些?



Every language always changes, there are new words come out every year, and the languages also use for reference from each other."dama""zhifubao""hongbao"were recorded into the English dictionary. and in Chinese we also have some words from other languages. so today let's have a look.

(来源于:root in)

咖啡来源于英语词汇:coffee啤酒来源于英语词汇:beer麦克风.来源于英语词汇:microphone巧克力.来源于英语词汇:chocolate沙发来源于英语词汇:sofa幽默来源于英语词汇:humor 吉普车来源于英语词汇:jeep逻辑来源于英语词汇:logic模特来源于英语词汇:model罗曼蒂克来源于英语词汇:romantic歇斯底里来源于英语词汇:hysteria魔术、俱乐部来源于日语词汇(不会日语),但是这两个词也是从英语中的magic和club 翻译而来。