成语大全网 - 成语解释 - 最小的异型鱼是什么?能长到多大?叫什么?


Clown Pleco (Panaque maccus L104)(老虎异型/迷你豹异型)

&Bushynose & Bristlenose Plecos (genus Ancistrus)钩鲶属?

-Bushynose & Bristlenose Plecos (genus Ancistrus钩鲶属)


种:须钩鲶=胡子类鱼 体长小於8.9cm )

如以上图片三角稚大胡子 8-10cm

PROS: Lots of variety in color and pattern, small size, vegetation-heavy diet (including algae), community-friendly.

CONS: Some species grow larger than others, needs meaty foods as well, underfed fish may eat live plants.

BEST SUITED AS: A community algae-eater and bottom-feeder.

they are generally among the smallest plecos. While they eat some meatier foods as well, most appear to eat mostly vegetation.

Clown Pleco (Panaque maccus L104)?

上图老虎异型 6-7cm

PROS: Small size, easy-going temperament, fairly wide-spread diet.

CONS: Need driftwood for grazing, not primarily an algae-eater.

BEST SUITED AS: A general clean-up bottom-feeder for community aquariums.

The Clown Pleco is a popular small pleco. As with other Panaque plecos, these fish are omnivores and feed about equally on plants matter and meatier foods.
