成语大全网 - 成语解释 - 早期乳腺癌英语怎么说


问题一:乳腺癌早期英文怎么翻译? early breast cancer

问题二:“乳腺癌”用英语怎么说 “乳腺癌”

Breast cancer


Breast cancer

问题三:乳腺癌21基因英文怎么说 breast cancer 21 gene

问题四:由此可见,用英语怎么说 thus it can be seen

问题五:乳腺机的英文翻译 Mammary Machine 乳腺机


X-ray Mammary Machine

医学设备词汇 ...


X-ray Mammary Machine乳腺X线机

Mammography乳腺 ...

问题六:突破用英语怎么说? Breakthrough词典1. (打开缺口) break through; make a breakthrough: 突破一点 make a breakthrough at some single point; 癌症研究上的一项重大突破 an important breakthrough in cancer; 突破敌人的防线 break through the enemy's defences; 医学上的突破 a medical breakthrough

2. (打破) surmount; break; top: 突破定额 overfulfil a quota; 突破难关 break the back of a tough job

3. breakout; penetration; runout

◇突破地区 [军事] area of penetration; area breakthrough; 突破点 [军事] breakthrough point; point of penetration; 突破口 [军事] breach; gap; sally port