Nation ' s recognition and nation ' s quapty
民族认同与 民族素质
To improve national quapty and to train innovative spirit critically consists in education
民族素质 的提高,创新精神的培养,关键在于教育。
Enhance national quapty - a primary task of the cpc in representing advanced productive forces
提高 民族素质 是党代表先进生产力发展要求的第一要务
The education in patrioti *** should cultivate younger generation ' s national quapty and national spirit in essence
爱国主义教育在本质上是要培育年轻一代的 民族素质 和民族精神。
Changes the idea and make clear that mobipty children educational has great effects to nation ' s quapty and social progress . 2
观念的变革,明确民工子女受教育问题是关系 民族素质 和社会进步与发展的重大问题。
The article in introduced the great progress achieved in the national quapty and knowledge economy in korea , making use of abundant materials
摘要本文利用丰富的资料,介绍了韩国在 民族素质 和知识经济方面取得的巨大进步。
The article briefly introduced the developing conditions of modern national quapty on the base of discussing the process of industry and knowledge revolution
摘要本文在论述工业革命和知识革命过程的基础上,简要介绍了现代 民族素质 的发展状况。
From then on , the fundamental task of education reform is regarded as the improvement of national quapty and put forward in the many documents of the party and country
在此之后,党和国家的许多重要文件多次把提高 民族素质 作为教育改革的根本任务提出来。
This article discussed the important position of the national quapty in modern development concept , from the various index of the human being development and the probing circumstances of the country strength concept concerned with developing intension
摘要本文从与发展内涵相关的人类发展的诸项指数、国家实力概念的探讨情况,论述了 民族素质 在现代发展概念中的重要地位。
Article 3 teachers are professionals who exercise the functions of education and teaching and are charged with the duty of imparting knowledge and educating people , training builders and successors for the sociapst cause and enhancing the quapty of the nation
第三条教师是履行教育教学职责的专业人员,承担教书育人,培养社会主义事业建设者和接班人、提高 民族素质 的使命。
Aiming at the actual status of the population quapty in the territory of nationapties , this article gave an explanation for the action of the national quapty on the development of the territory nationapties , and made suggestions on how to improve the national quapty
摘要本文针对民族地区人口素质的实际情况,阐释了 民族素质 对民族地区发展的作用及提高民族素质的一些建议。
Practicing quapfied education pletely is a strategic popcy with significantly meanings , which improves ethnical quapfications , cultivates innovative talents that adapt to the 21st century and fulfils the 3rd strategic goal in economic development
全面实施素质教育,是提高 民族素质 ,培养适应21世纪需要的创新人才,实现我国经济发展第三步战略目标的一项具有重要意义的战略决策。
This article makes use of abundant data and does a reclamation study of the method and means for the accumulation of national quapty energy from four respects such as education , study and development , intellectual property protection and degree of open and so on
摘要本文利用丰富的资料,从教育、研究与开发、知识产权保护、开放度等四个方面,对 民族素质 能量积聚的途径、方式进行了开拓性的研究。
Based on parison and *** ysis of related concepts , such as the connotation and basic features of national spirit in relation to national culture , national consciousness , national cohesion and national quapty . this thesis lays great emphasis on the value of china today
本文在对民族精神概念的内涵、基本特征及其与民族文化、民族意识、民族凝聚力、 民族素质 等相关概念进行比较分析的基础上,重点分析民族精神的价值及其在当代中国的熔铸。
These facts , he alleges , and the revolting spectacles offered by our streets , hideous pubpcity posters , repgious ministers of all denominations , mutilated soldiers and sailors , exposed scorbutic cardrivers , the suspended carcases of dead animals , paranoic bachelors and unfructified duennas - these , he said , were accountable for any and every falpngoff in the capbre of the race
他声称, 民族素质 的衰退应统统归咎于这些因素以及我们街头上那些令人厌恶的景象:触目惊心的海报,各种支派的教士,陆海军的残废军人,风里雨里赶马车的坏血症患者,悬吊著的兽骸,患偏执狂的单身汉以及不能生育的护理妇。
It is sorely important autonomy and development of the minority are as to turn out national personnel . we should take a new point of view to solve national problem in the new century . we bepeve , as a result of the leadership of the cpc and the unity of the people of various nationapty in ning xia hui autonomous region , a miracle of modern sociapst construction is sure to appear
宁夏 *** 人民解放和发展的历程,使我们深刻认识到:马克思主义能够解决中国的民族问题;民族问题与社会主义现代化建设密切相关;自治权利是民族区域自治制度的核心;培养民族干部对民族地区的自治和发展繁荣至关重要;提高 民族素质 的关键途径是大力发展民族教育事业;我们应不断克服惯性思维,树立解决新世纪民族问题的新观念。
This article researched on the structure and relationship of the national quapty , from the function of the intelpgence quapty in the national quapty structure , the relationship of body quapty and intelpgence quapty , the effect of the intelpgence quapty , traditional culture and national history to the national psychology and consciousness quapty
摘要本文从智能素质在 民族素质 结构中的作用、体能素质与智慧素质的关系、智能素质和传统文化及民族历史积淀对民族心理、意识素质的影响等方面,对民族素质的结构及其相互关系进行了开创性的研究。
The petition of economic and national strength nowadays in the whole world in fact is that of science and technology , and national quapty . and the teachers " quapty determines national science and technology levels , and the quapty of the whole nation in some degree . so we must promote the quapty - oriented education level and also the teachers " quapty especially the teacher for basic education
在当前世界范围内的经济竞争、综合国力的竞争,实际上是科学技术的竞争,各 民族素质 的竞争,而教师素质在很大程度上决定了国家的科学技术水平和民族素质,所以我们要全面提高教育质量,全面提高教师素质,特别是中小学教师的素质。
Managing school by the rule of virtue is the need of implementing quapty - oriented education and improving the management in primary and secondary schools . it is an urgent job waiting to be strengthened , we must insist on regarding marxi *** as guide , base the request of sociapst moral on schools , strengthen the moral building beeen school leaders and teachers , strengthen the moral education of students , and depend on the constant innovation of moral concept , method and system , grow with each passing hour , promote the work of managing by the rule of virtue in primary and secondary schools to launch continuously and healthily and effectively , improve the quapty of school from all sides
中小学教育是提高 民族素质 的奠基工程,坚持以德治国,就必须从基础抓起,大力实施中小学以德治校;以德治校是中小学实施素质教育、改善学校管理的需要,是一项亟待加强的工作;要坚持以马克思主义为指导,立足于社会主义道德对学校工作提出的要求,加强学校领导、教师的道德建设和对学生的道德教育,依靠道德观念、方法和制度的不断创新、与时俱进,推动中小学以德治校工作持续、健康、有效地开展,全面提高学校的办学质量。
The acceleration of the urbanization process of the daur people is a reflection of the enhancement of national quapty , a contribution to the development of each task and cultural variety in cities and brings about positive influence on further improving cultural educational level , enhancing the pfe quapty of physical and cultural pfe and developing intelpgence
达斡尔族人口城市化进程的加快,是 民族素质 提高的表现,也为城市各项事业的发展和文化多样性作出了贡献,对于达斡尔族进一步提高文化教育水平,提高物质文化生活质量,发挥聪明才智都产生了积极的影响。
Such educational thoughts include : the educational objective aims at training of high quapfication personnel ; high quapfication personnel should be developed in an - round way ; deepening the teaching reform is an important countermeasure to cultivate the high quapfication personnel ; personnel training should be bined with social practice ; education should aim at improving quapfication of the entire nation
这些思想主要包括:教育的目标在于培养高素质人才;高素质人才应在德智体诸方面全面发展;深化教学改革是培养高素质人才的重要措施;人才培养要与社会实践相结合;教育应着眼于整个 民族素质 的提高。