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Lower pairs are desirable from a design standpoint since the load at the joint and the resultant wear is spread over the contact surface. Thus, geometric changes or failure due to high contact stresses and excessive wear may be prevented. In actual practice, we may utilize a ball ot roller bearing as a revolute pair to reduce friction. In so doing, the advantages of contact over a large surface are sacrificed.


Kinematic Chain

A kinematic chain is an assembly of links and joints. In s closed kinematic chain, each link is connected to two or more other links.

Mechanism is a kinematic chain in which one link is considered fixed for the purpose of analysis, but motion is possible in other links. As noted above, the link designated as the fixed link need not actually be stationary relative to the surface of the earth. A kinematic chain is usually identified as a mechanism if its primary purpose is the modification or transmission of motion.




A mechanism designed for the purpose of transmitting forces or torques is usually called a machine.




A machine that involves conversion of energy to produce mechanical power is commonly called an engine. Thus, the crankshaft, connecting rod, piston, and cylinder of an automotive engine would be an engine by the above definitions, while other drive train components such as the transmisson, differential, and universal joint would be considered machines. Machines and engines may have the same configuration as other mechanisms that do not convert energy and are not intended to transmit significant levels of force or torque. Thus, for the purpose of kinematic analysis, the above distinctions between mechanism, machine, and engine may be of only academic importance.




Since we may wish to examine kinematic chains without regard to their ultimate use , it is convenient to identify any assemblage of rigid bodies connected by kinematic pairs as a linkage. Thus, both mechanisms and machines may be considered linkages. In some references, however, the term linkage is restricted to kinematic chains made up of lower pairs.



Planar Motion

If all points in a system move in paralled planes, then that system undergoes planar motion.



Planar Linkage

All the links in a planar linkage have planar motion. If we examine the linkage made up of the crank, connecting rod, and piston in a piston engine, we see that it is a planar linkage. Most of the mechanisms in common use may be treated as planar linkages.



Spatial Linkages

The more general linkages in which motion cannot be described as taking palce in parallel planes are called spatial or three-dimensional linkages.




The absolute motion of a linkage depends on which of the links is fixed, that is, which link is selected as the frame. If two linkages have the same configuration but different fixed link, then each is an inversion of the other. Relative motion will be the same in both linkage.

