成语大全网 - 成语解释 - 水落石出英语怎么说 it brought to……

水落石出英语怎么说 it brought to……


when the water subsides the rock emerge,

the whole thing comes to light

辩论个水落石出argue the matter out

查个水落石出get to the bottom of a matter; investigate sth. thoroughly

弄个水落石出get to the bottom of the matter

她起了疑惑,便决定弄个水落石出。She got suspicious and decided to get to the bottom of it.

把事情争个水落石出argue a matter out

他要是钻一个问题,就非钻个水落石出不可。When he digs into a problem he does not give up until he gets to the bottom.

我一定要把这事查个水落石出。I’ll be sure to investigate this matter thoroughly.