理所当然 [lǐ suǒ dāng rán] 基本翻译 of course go without saying behove behoove It stands to reason that ... 网络释义 理所当然:it stands to reason that... 成语解释 理所当然 解释:按道理应当这样。 出处:隋·王通《文中子·魏相篇》
理所当然 [lǐ suǒ dāng rán] 基本翻译 of course go without saying behove behoove It stands to reason that ... 网络释义 理所当然:it stands to reason that... 成语解释 理所当然 解释:按道理应当这样。 出处:隋·王通《文中子·魏相篇》