成语大全网 - 成语解释 - 眼睛疼英语怎么说


问题一:眼睛痛怎样用英语说 eye pain


1、She visited our opd due to the symptoms of eye pain and gradually blurred vision.


2、Water may press the body downwards to cure headache, eye pain and muscle strain etc.

水力力量自上而下集中水压冲压身体,可以治头痛 、 眼睛酸痛、肌肉紧张等不适之症。

问题二:眼睛疼用英语怎么说 have a eyeache

问题三:我的眼睛很酸,痛,累,用英语怎么讲? My eyes are acid Pain tired

问题四:我眼睛疼英文翻译 My eyes hurt.

问题五:今天我的眼睛很疼 这句英语怎么说 My eyes are very pain today.

问题六:我感冒了,还头疼,眼睛疼用英语怎么说 我感冒了,还头疼,眼睛疼

I've got a cold, I've got a headache, my eyes are sore.

问题七:如果你的眼睛痛就去看医生用英文怎么说 Go to see a doctor if you have a eye aches


问题八:眼睛痛怎样用英语说 eye pain


1、She visited our opd due to the symptoms of eye pain and gradually blurred vision.


2、Water may press the body downwards to cure headache, eye pain and muscle strain etc.

水力力量自上而下集中水压冲压身体,可以治头痛 、 眼睛酸痛、肌肉紧张等不适之症。

问题九:眼睛疼用英语怎么说 have a eyeache

问题十:我的眼睛很酸,痛,累,用英语怎么讲? My eyes are acid Pain tired