成语大全网 - 成语解释 - 有一篇Essay要写,可是我从来没写过。 写什么都可以 ( 顺便告诉我下, Essay到底是怎么写的,急!)谢谢!

有一篇Essay要写,可是我从来没写过。 写什么都可以 ( 顺便告诉我下, Essay到底是怎么写的,急!)谢谢!

它分三个部分 1.main idea主题 example 2.supporting parts{details)(细节) 3.concluding sentence 结束语 另外journal 和 ESSAY 有些相似,journal更不规范些,就像是博客里写的随笔,日志,但不是日记,不记录心情.在加拿大ESSAY从10年级开始正式的学习,在这之前一般都是journal. ESSAY STRUCTURE Introductory paragraph 总起段 Thesis statement 中心 Argument #1 Argument #2 Argument #3 Concluding sentence结束句 Body Paragraph #1中间段1 Topic sentence总起句 Explanation #1 Explanation #2 Explanation #3 Concluding Sentence结束句 Body Paragraph #2中间段2 Topic sentence Explanation #1 Explanation #2 Explanation #3 Concluding Sentence Body Paragraph #3中间段3 Topic sentence Explanation #1 Explanation #2 Explanation #3 Concluding Sentence Concluding Paragraph总结段 *Paraphrase! Restate thesis Summarize arguments Concluding Statement essay一般有五段 第一段是introduction 二到四段是body paragraph 最后一段是conclusion 第一段最后一句话叫做thesis statement 包括topic,controling idea 和predictor 第一段的写作手法一般分为anecdote,quotation,general to specific,interesting facts or statistics,historical introduction。 body paragraph一般每一段都有三个main support,每个main support都附带minor support concluding paragraph一般有两种手法。 restatement and final comment。 In the first paragragh, let others know what are you writing about. Then, bring out the points and explain it. A good essay does not need to be a long one. It just need to have a good grammar, relavent points and good explanation. Add proverbs and good words if you can.“essay”在英汉词典中的解释(来源:百度词典):


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1. 论说文;散文,随笔,小品文[(+on/about)]

2. 书尝试;企图[(+at)]


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