成语大全网 - 成语解释 - 求翻译英语,已经有了一个词典直接翻译的版本了,是课题要用,谢谢! 公元前1719年,埃及,有一位伟

求翻译英语,已经有了一个词典直接翻译的版本了,是课题要用,谢谢! 公元前1719年,埃及,有一位伟

1719 B.C. Egypt

There was once a great Pharaoh. To his disgust, he found out that his wife fell in love with the wizard under him. Out of haste, the Pharaoh was killed by the wizard and his wife who later committed suicide for the sake of the wizard. Filled with desperation, the wizard tried to revive Pharaoh's wife with blasphemy and was cursed into a mummy that would never die until every inch of his flesh got rotten. Evil and revenge rooted deeper and deeper in the wizard's heart day by day. Buried with him were the Book of Death and the Book of Life.