成语大全网 - 成语解释 - 求英文翻译 关于姜太公钓鱼的典故

求英文翻译 关于姜太公钓鱼的典故

Bloomer Diaoyu Islands is located in Baoji City, Shaanxi Province, is a well-known business at the end weekly statesman, military strategist bloomer fishing hermit land. "Jiang Tai-gong fishing, those who are willing bait," the story happened here.

At that time he did not get King Wen reuse, on the weeks where the rule of clan leaders, seclusion, hoping to lead his own attention, make contributions. So he banks of streams or fishing every day. Fishing others are lured with scented bait fish bait, but the great-grandfather never hang bait, nor the rod sunk underwater. He raised the rod high side as he said: want to live fish, if you are willing to bite on his own bar. Quickly, Zhou king knew of this matter and must be aware that sports fishermen was a virtuous person. Finally, the late-bloomer his assistant, King Wen, make contributions to achieve their own aspirations.