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4.2 agent with equity form access rights concerning its high-quality agent 2 connections resources and information resources, etc GanGu as the agent to 30%, consignor equity interest of mineral deposits equity interest accounted for 70%. Sign out in a successful detection or mining exploration or client within 15 days after the contract, pay the agent 2 million dollar deposits rights as 30% advance. In the first batch of products 4.2.3 eligibly reached after the first sale a year of business, again to the agent to pay a million dollars as an advance of 30% mineral deposits rights. In the total amount of investment and 4.2.3 principal balance of the end of total earnings to pay the agent 30% of the total profit of the equity earnings as the agent. Highlights of after a profit in 4.2.4 agent at the end of each year to pay 30% of the total profits as the agent's return on equity and deducted 10% of the total advance payment highlights. If the total equity earnings this year is deductible, and the advance payment does not arrive next year will be automatically postponed to part of forehead of deduction.
