成语大全网 - 成语解释 - 求 品 字的英文单词

求 品 字的英文单词

品 [pǐn] 名词 1. (物品) article; product: 例句: industrial products;

工业品 wood products;

木制品 2. (等级; 品级) grade; class; rank: 例句: highest [top] grade

上品 3. (品质) character; quality: 例句: (of a student) of good character and scholarship;

品学兼优 moral quality; character

人品 4. (姓氏) a surname: 例句: Pin Ya

品岩 动词 1. (辨别好坏; 品评) taste sth. with discrimination; sample; savour: 例句: sample tea;

品茶 savour the flavour

品品味儿 2. (吹奏管乐器) blow; paly (wind instruments): 例句: play the flute [xiao]
