成语大全网 - 成语解释 - 汗马之劳用英语怎么说 汗马之劳英语翻译?

汗马之劳用英语怎么说 汗马之劳英语翻译?

汗马之劳的英语是”lifts a finger”,还经常被译作lift a hand,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,***找到44个与汗马之劳相关的短语翻译和用法。

16. stir a hand(帮忙, 尽举手之劳;帮忙,尽举手之劳)

16. That ought to do it. Oh, guys, no.

16. But if you wish to undergo the journey, then i salute you as a fellow artist, and i will do everything i can to help you.

译文:但你若执意入行 作为同行我深表钦佩 如需帮助 愿效犬马之劳。

16. You don’t have to lift a finger.

16. After we invade the city, it’s just be little effort for us to mince Wei Shou Bou into pork buns.

16. Same thing, yeah. i’m just doin’ a favor, you know?

16. That doesn’t cost you anything.

16. Not a string. Just a favour.

译文:没什么企图 举手之劳 {\3cH202020}Not a string.。

16. it requires very little of me and will mean the world to him.

16. – Thank you Cora, we’ll do our best.

16. Miss May, you don’t have to thank me.

16. it isn’t simply that they’ve had to reinvent the wheel of how to do these prosecutions; they’ve forgotten that the wheel exists, and therefore, we have zero prosecutions, and of course, zero convictions, of any of the elite bank frauds, the Wall Street types, that drove this crisis.

译文:提出诉讼不是什么难事, 不过是举手之劳,易如反掌。 只是他们忘了怎么举, 忘了怎么反。 因而, 造成这场危机的 华尔街顶尖银行犯们 没有一个被起诉 没有一个被定罪。 。

16. The first thing i want you to do is take your index finger, tilt your head back, and touch the tip of your finger to the tip of your nose, in this manner, and alternate.

译文:现在,首先我要你 举手之劳, 抬起你的头,然后把他的手指在鼻子! 喜欢并提及你的名字!。

16. There’s no need to thank me. You’re the best.

16. Here’s all you have to do, my friends

16. No problem. it’s the least i can do.
