3.1 algorithm working principle
In binary search algorithm based on the amended commands are as follows:
(1) Request(x,n),请求命令。参数x为1或0,n为检测到碰撞的最高位。阅读器将请求命令发送给其作用范围内的待命标签,标签检测自己的序列号第n位与x否相同,若相同则应答,并返回剩余的0-(n-1)位的相关信息;若不同则标签不答。另外,规定发送请求命令Request(1)时,所有处于“非无声”状态下的标签都要应答。
(1) that (x, n), Request command. Parameters for x 1 or 0, n for detecting collision in the top. Reader will send its action request order within the scope of the standby labels, tags detection oneself of serial number n) with the same, if ever x is same response, and returned to the rest of the 0-1) a (n the related information, If different is tags do not answer. In addition, the regulation that Request to command (1), all is in "the silent" state labels to response.
(2) for - write, literacy command. Literacy is the Select activation tag internal storage of data.
(3) Active, labels, dormancy counter trigger commands, make tags can response that Request command.
The Select (SNR), Unselect and the binary search algorithm commands in the same agreed.
To facilitate the presentation process, A label the sequence number of bits 8-bit, reader worldwide 4 labels, serial number, respectively, tag A: 10100111: the tag B: 10110101; Tag C: 10101111: the tag D: 10111101.
Execution process description as follows:
The first pace: reader send that (1), all labels are response, and each tag within the count = 0. According to Manchester encoding, decoding, data for 101XX1X1. Knowable, collision bits for D4, D3, D1, so n take 4, thus obtains the next Request command that 0,4). (
Step 2: reader send 0,4), tags that (A and C response, while tags B and D count = 1. The coded data decoding get for X111. Knowable, collision bits for D3, n take 3, get the next Request command that (0,3).
Step 3: reader send 0,3), tag that (A response to the label C count = 1, 2, 4 of label count = 2. Reader detected A label the serial number of the, send the select and Write command, processing for - after sending orders, make tags Unselect A in the "silent" state. Send the Active command, labels, three of the count = 0, tag B and D count = l. Jump back on level orders, that is 0,4 that ().
Fourth step: reader send that (0,4), only labels C response, reader detect tag A serial number, send the select and Write command, processing for - after sending orders, Unselect make tags C in "silent" state. Send the Active command, labels, 2, 4 of the count = 0. Jump back on level command, namely that (1).
Step 5: reader send that (1), labels, B and D response. The coded data decoding get for 1011X101. Knowable, collision bits for D3, n take 3, get the next Request command that (0,3).
Step 6: reader send that (0,3), only labels B, and tags D response count = 1. Reader detect tags, send the select the serial number of the B - Write command, and for processing after sending Unselect commands, make tags "B" is "silent" state. Send the Active command, labels, D count = 0. Jump back on level command, namely that (1).
第七步:阅读器发送Request(1),只有标签D响应。阅读器检测出标签D的序列号,发送select和Read—Write命令,处理完之后,发送Unselect命令,使标签D处于“无声”状态。所有标签被正确识别 。
Step 7: reader send that (1), only labels D response. Reader detect tag D serial number, sending the select and Write command, processing for - after sending orders, Unselect make tags D in "silent" state. All tags are correct identification.