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文章英语翻译 英语高手们。。。。。请教

Korea University Students in Tianjin Investigation and Analysis of symbolic consumption.

本文主要研究的问题为符号消费,我们对当前的符号消费现象进行考察,以求对符号消费有一个清楚正确的认识,另外,我们也希望通过对符号消费的调查了解现在的一些消费现象。 This paper studies the problem for the symbolic consumption, we conducted the current study the phenomenon of symbolic consumption, in order to have a clear view of the sign consumer correct understanding, In addition, we also hope that through the symbolic consumption of the understanding of the present number of Consumption. 随着经济的发展,消费情况也逐渐地转变,大学生的消费行为能从一定程度上反映中韩两国消费情况的一些差异。 With economic development, consumption is also gradually changing consumer behavior from college students to some extent reflect the consumption of China and the ROK are some differences. 本文主要通过问卷调查了解在津的中韩大学生对符号消费的认识和他们进行符号消费的情况,并比较了这两个群体的差异,作了一些初步的分析,最后对大学生的消费观念提出了一些有益的建议。 In this paper, through the questionnaires of the Korean university students in Tianjin consumer awareness of the signs and symbols that they were spending, and to compare the differences between the two groups, made some preliminary analysis, the concept of final consumption on college students made some useful suggestions.