成语大全网 - 成语解释 - 杜拉斯用英语怎么说 杜拉斯的英语翻译?

杜拉斯用英语怎么说 杜拉斯的英语翻译?

杜拉斯用英语翻译为”Dulas Bay”,在日常中也可以翻译为”marguerite duras”,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,***找到58个与杜拉斯相关的翻译和例句。

1. This thesis studied Marguerite Duras’oriental complex and oriental writing from visual angle of bestraddle culture .


2. The uniqueness of Duras lies upon the space-realization of the writing process by the concept of “the dark room of writing” .


3. Marguerite Duras: The Lover (1984)

译文:玛格丽特 · 杜拉斯: The Lover 情人( 1984 )

4. No. No, no, no, listen, Mr. Duraiswamy,

5. Duras , Marguerite. The impudent Person. Trans. Wang Shiyuan. Shenyang: Chunfeng Literature and Art Publishing House, 2000.


6. Nothing, Mr. Duraiswamy, nothing.
