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福佑用英语怎么说 福佑的英语翻译?

福佑的英语翻译是” enjoyment”,在日常中也可以翻译为” beatitude”,在《在线英语词典》中,***找到13个与福佑相关的短语释义和例句。

Fortune Hotel Xiamen ( 厦门福佑大饭店 )

Days Hotel & Suites Fortune ( 厦门福佑戴斯大饭店 )

1. Good night. – Bless you. You leaving?

2. JEONG Woo-sang and CHO Won-il!

3. – You all know JEONG Woo-sang?

4. i am truly indebted to you, sir.

5. is it all that they say it is?

6. Do you want to do some art?

7. produced by KiM Mi-hee starring CHO Seung-woo

8. JEONG Woo-sang takes the lead!

9. He thanked for all the blessings which Providence had vouchsafed to him while in this valley of strife and toil.

10. – i know. – But i’m JEONG Woo-sang!

11. God in his mercy bless you and keep you.

译文:仁慈 庇护福佑 God in his mercy bless you and keep you. 瞧瞧 Will you look!。

12. he did, however, place Ahura Mazda at the center of a kingdom of justice that promised immortality and bliss.
