歪风邪气 evil winds
歪风邪气 unhealthy practices and evil phenomena
eg:1. 不要助长歪风邪气。
Don't encourage the evil trends.
2. 哦,别在意她的抱怨!此时协会中的歪风邪气是令她最气恼的事。
Oh,pay no attention to her whining!The iniquities of the unions are her pet peeve at the moment.
歪风邪气 evil winds
歪风邪气 unhealthy practices and evil phenomena
eg:1. 不要助长歪风邪气。
Don't encourage the evil trends.
2. 哦,别在意她的抱怨!此时协会中的歪风邪气是令她最气恼的事。
Oh,pay no attention to her whining!The iniquities of the unions are her pet peeve at the moment.