成语大全网 - 汉语词典 - 丁字路口用英语怎么说 丁字路口英语翻译?

丁字路口用英语怎么说 丁字路口英语翻译?

丁字路口的英语为” T road”,还经常被译作T-junction,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,***找到51个与丁字路口相关的译文和例句。

1. Well, my thigh’s getting an inkling.

2. Stop at the intersection please.

3. At the next intersection, make a left turn.

4. But what’ s the meaning of those English letters?

5. Have some wine, try the T-bone, it’s to die for.

6. Take off your underwear, you fool !

7. – You need to take the next left.

8. -That’s the best joint in town.

9. bananahammockunderwear. bananahammockunderwear.

10. How do i know you wear thong?

11. i’m going to make it a ‘T’ shape.

12. – Oh, yeah? – Throw a little thong on you–

13. – Go through the intersection.
