成语大全网 - 汉语词典 - hr装逼必备词典



1、 进行包含招聘、培训、薪酬、绩效及员工关系各方面的制度完善;

Consummate HR polices including recruitment, training, compensation, performance, and employee relationship.

2、 充分与营运及其它相关部门沟通,根据公司的业务发展及员工培训需求分析,开发培训课件,每月定期组织新员工培训,并对参训员工进行考核及培训效果跟踪;

Communicate with operation department and other departments sufficiently. Develop training materials according to business and employee training analysis, hold orientation training for new employee monthly, assess them and track the effect after training.

3、 根据公司实际情况制定年度员工招聘预算,选择招聘渠道并组织员工招聘;

Make recruitment plan cost and select recruitment channel as well as organize recruitment according to corporation status.

4、 处理员工养老、工伤、生育、医疗等社会保险问题及部分社保纠纷问题;

Handle endowment insurance, work injury insurance, child-bearing insurance, medical insurance and deal with parts of social insurance issues.

5、 编制分公司人力资源预算,包括人员编制预算、人力资源各项费用预算、部门行政预算等,并跟进预算实施情况;

Prepare HR budget plan contains manning quotas, ADM budget and following implementation.

6、 根据员工具体工作情况进行绩效管理,提高组织整体工作效率和效益;

Conduct performance management according to employee status to improve work efficiency of entire organization.

7、 指导下属按照员工入职、离职等流程规范操作,并进行每月社保办理、档案管理、薪资核算等。

Lead underlines follow process of orientation and exit at work. Conduct social insurance, files management, compensation check and so on.


1、 定期组织和安排管理层工作会议,拟订各项行政、人事制度,跟踪各项制度的执行;

Hold and arrange periodic meeting for management layer. Draft ADM and HR rules and policies as well as following implementation.

2、 负责员工招聘费用预算、联系相关招聘机构,组织招聘并进行员工筛选、录用;

Be responsible for recruitment budget, cooperate with relevant recruitment institutions, hold recruitment and select candidates, hire.

3、 制定员工培训计划,保持和公司业务部门、银行的良好沟通,定期组织员工业务技能培训;

Prepare employee training plan, keep good communication with business departments, banks. Hold periodical skill trainings for employee.

4、 制定公司相关绩效管理制度,并在公司高层管理人员的支持下贯彻执行,为员工晋级、转岗、加薪等提供依据;

Make relevant performance policies, implement them with support of senior management, Provide certification for transfer and salary increase.

5、 根据各项薪资核算标准及绩效考核情况,进行员工薪资核算,并报上级审批;

Check compensation according to salary standard and performance status, then report to boss for approval.


Collect information relative with recruitment, training, performance and compensation. Provide proper suggestions to consummate current department and corporate management.