成语大全网 - 汉语词典 - 关于饮料的英语作文 120字左右~

关于饮料的英语作文 120字左右~

Tea is a globally well-known popular drink.As for tea,anyone can say a lot about it.Chinese people are very concerned with their health so they often drink green tea before or after dinner or whenever they want .British people usually drink black tea for high tea and often put some sugar and some milk or cream into the tea so that they can enjoy both the freshness of the tea and the sweetness of the cream.People in other parts of the world are also fund of drinking tea. For example, people in South America,such as Uraguay people love tea as part of their lives,they can't spend a day without drinking tea.Above all , tea is the global drink in the 21st century.Why don't you start drinking some ?希望可以帮到你,给分吧