成语大全网 - 汉语词典 - continue to do sth和continue doing sth有什么区别呢?

continue to do sth和continue doing sth有什么区别呢?

continue to do sth 和 continue doing sth的意思都是“持续做某事;继续做某事;不断做某事”,它们之间的区别如下:



The rain continued to fall all afternoon.

The rain continued falling all afternoon.


continue to do sth侧重于指中途有所停顿或间断;continue doing sth侧重于指中途没有间断或中断的时间非常短。例如:

She wanted to continue working after she was married. 她想结婚后继续工作。(work这个动作没有中断)

He continued to ignore everything I was saying. 他仍对我所说的一切置若罔闻。(ignore这个动作中途可能间断)