成语大全网 - 汉语词典 - leave sb sth 没这个用法吧?

leave sb sth 没这个用法吧?

leave sb. sth. 是有的。下面的例句摘自英语常用动词详解词典(北京出版社):

1. He left his sister 300 pounds.

2. His father left him nothing when he died.

3. Leave him the book before you go.

4. This schedule would leave you time to make preparation for the conference.

但是,说“留给我一个好印象”,似乎没有见过用“leave sb. sth.”来表达的。比较多见的是:

give me a good impression, 或是上面提到的leave a good impression on me.当然,make a good

impression on me 也是常见的。