成语大全网 - 汉语词典 - confront有道词典


不是自己翻译的。全面用网易有道桌面词典翻译。从中文翻译到英文就是如下:As the library literature and storage centers, along with the computer technology, the Internet service mode of business management emerges, literature services to all the increasing dependence on network. At the same time, the computer virus, hackers malicious attacks, data loss, man-made destruction, the traditional information data security measures have enough to cope with the new environment safety problems. We need to establish a comprehensive enough to cope with the different threats of library network safe protection system, ensure the confidentiality of the information system of library and integrity.

How to protect network security level of obligations and responsibilities to establish the network safe protection system, ensure the confidentiality of the information system of library and integrity, we are currently must face the reality and resolve problems. Solving this problem, based on the construction practice of the unit, advantages and disadvantages of traditional solutions based on the comprehensive analysis is proposed based on physical isolation, including firewall Settings, virus protection, dynamic password authentication system establishment, intrusion detection, routing switches, the security Settings such security technology and management measures, an overall plan, and put forward according to the actual level, the technical level from standard, management level, also for innovative design part of college library website system is analyzed in this research field, understand the latest achievements of academic libraries at present at the time of the common problems, which are in their studies. The ultimate goal is to construct a scientific, reasonable and economic library network safe protection system for this unit, the daily work of library reader escort, fully guarantee the interests of "knowledge". For the future library network security environment and lay the good foundation.
