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Customer negotiation related commercial matters concerned. prepares materials according to the customer demand arrangement delivers goods the matters concerned. submits the related stock data. the checking confirmed that the related customs matters matters concerned and confirmed collects master list to produce goods written notice demand forecast customer order form 1. Accepts demand which and product order form 2 the customer renews. Differentiates bonded and non-bonded material 3. The renewal demand and submits Forecast to collect the master list to planning department 4. Forecast and the order form compared 4.1 to produce goods the plan with comparison which delivered goods actually the 4.2 latter two weeks demands to compare 5 last week. Whether to have the change? 6. Confirmed whether the customer demand can satisfy 7. The request customer absorption because of falls the inactive stock which the quantity produces, and confirms delivery date 8. The submission may satisfy produces goods plans 9. The renewal produces goods maintains SO 11. the plan to customer 10. according to bonded and the non-bonded store in the SAP different customer code to send produces goods the notice and indicates bonded and non-bonded material 11.1 to the warehouse and the customs matters sends produces goods the notice to issue to warehouse 11.2 the bonded material forwarding notice the customs matters, and indicates information and so on customer name, product, quantity, unit price. 12. delivers goods