成语大全网 - 汉语词典 - 286、英语小故事(英汉对照)“月桂女神达芙妮”


Daphne was the daughter of the river god Peneus. In Greek mythology(神话), she was the personification of the laurel(月桂), a tree whose leaves formed into garlands(花环). Daphne was particularly associated with Apollo.

达芙妮是河神珀纽斯的女儿。在希腊神话中,她被称作“月桂女神” ( 月桂树的叶子可以编成花环 ) 。她和阿波罗有一段特殊的渊源。

Apollo was a great archer(弓箭手), but sometimes he was a little full of himself. One day he caught sight of another archer Eros and teased(取笑) him, putting down his abilities as an archer.


Angry at this insult, Eros shot two arrows. One arrow dipped in gold had the power to create insatiable lust in a person, while the other one, blunted(钝的) and dipped in lead(铅), created absolute abhorrence(厌恶) towards all things romantic and passionate. The arrow dipped in gold struck Apollo, but the arrow dipped in lead struck fair Daphne.


Apollo chased down the maiden, desperate for her love, but she wanted nothing to do with him, and she ran from him endlessly. Soon, she grew weary(厌烦的) in her running and that Apollo would ultimately catch her. Fearful, she called out to her father for help.

阿波罗狂热地追逐达芙妮,渴求她的爱情,然而达芙妮却丝毫不为所动,拼命地奔跑想要逃脱。跑了好一阵子, 达芙妮已经筋疲力尽,眼看阿波罗就要追上她了,恐惧绝望的达芙妮大声呼喊寻求父亲的帮助。

Peneus transformed his daughter into a laurel tree. Suddenly her legs took root, and her arms grew into long and slender branches.


Apollo reached the laurel tree, and still enamored(迷恋的) with Daphne, he made himself a laurel wreath(花环) (a circle made of laurel that you put on your head) from the tree. And that is why the laurel tree was, and still is, a symbol of the god Apollo, and is used by emperors within the culture.
