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与藏族水乳交融的民族——门巴族 And the Tibetan ethnic harmony -门巴族

门巴族,中国少数民族之一。门巴族, the Chinese minority one. 现***有50000人,在我国控制区仅有7475人,其余的生活在印控区。 There are currently 50000 people, in our controlled areas only 7475 people, and the rest living in Indian-controlled area. 主要聚居在西藏 墨脱县和错那县 , 林芝 、 察隅等县亦有分布。 Mainly live in Tibet Medog County and the county wrong, Nyingchi, Chayu also the distribution of counties. 主要从事农业。 Mainly engaged in agriculture. 擅长编制竹藤器和制作木琬。 Specializes in the preparation and production of bamboo wood-Wan. 有自己的语言。 Have their own language.

门巴族,主要分布于中国西藏自治区东南部的少数民族,主要聚居在错那县以南的门隅地区,其余居住在墨脱 、林芝等县。门巴族, mainly located in the southeastern part of the minority of the Tibet Autonomous Region of China, mainly live in the county south of the wrong door corner areas, the rest living in Medog, Nyingchi counties. 人口***5万余人,其中分布在我国实际控制区以内的仅有7475人,其余生活在错那县南部的印控区。 Population of 5 million people, of whom are located in controlled areas within the reality of our country only 7475 people living in the wrong the rest of the county district in southern Kashmir. “门巴”,原是藏族对他们的称呼,意为住在门隅的人。 "Mamba", was originally a Tibetan name for them, which means living in the corner of one door. 新中国成立后,根据本民族的意愿。 After new China was founded, in accordance with the wishes of the nation. 正式定名为门巴族。门巴族officially named.

门巴族聚居区位于世界屋脊喜马拉雅山南麓的门隅地区,门隅地区北高南低,高处海拔可达3600米,低处只有100多米左右。 Located in the roof of the world live门巴族the Himalayas south of the door corner areas, the door corner areas of the north south high-low, up to 3600 meters height above sea level, the lower more than 100 meters or so only. 峰峦重叠, 原始森林茂密。 Rise amid overlapping forest dense. 奔腾的雅鲁藏布江在林芝、墨脱一带急转南下,形成肥沃的河谷地带,气候温和,雨量丰富,四季常青,被誉为“ 青藏高原上的江南”。 In the Brahmaputra Pentium Linzhi, Medog rapidly along the south, the formation of the fertile valley, the climate mild, abundant rainfall, the four seasons evergreen, as the "Qinghai-Tibet Plateau on the south of the Yangtze River." 门隅地区位于喜马拉雅山南麓、洛渝以西。 Door corner areas of the Himalayas located in the south, west of Los Yu. 雨量充沛,土地肥沃。 Abundant rainfall, fertile land. 这里,山峦绵亘,河流湍急,景色秀丽,物产丰富。 Here,绵亘mountains, river rapids, beautiful scenery, rich. 农作物有水稻、旱稻、玉米、荞麦、青稞、鸡爪谷、小麦、大豆、棉花、芝麻等,一年可收获两、三次。 Crops include rice, upland rice, maize, buckwheat, barley, chicken Valley, wheat, soybean, cotton, sesame and so on, one can harvest two or three. 水果有香蕉、桔、柚、桃、梨、苹果等。 Fruits are bananas, tangerines, grapefruit, peaches, pears, apples. 原始森林广大,生长着松、柏、桦、青江、枫、杉、楠、竹等,木材储藏量极为丰富。 The majority of forests, the growth of the song, Parkinson, Eva, Green River, maple, fir, Nan, bamboo, wood abundant reserves. 药材有天麻、三七、黄芪、雪莲、当归、党参等几十种。 Medicine have gastrodin, March 7, Astragalus, Saussurea, Chinese angelica, etc. dozens of dangshen. 在错那县勒布区,尚有小块牧场。 Loeb in the wrong county and that area, there are still small ranch. 有黄牛、马、羊、驴、骡等牲畜。 There are cattle, horses, sheep, donkeys, mules and other livestock. 野生动物有熊、豺、獐、野牛、岩羊、雪猪、熊猫、狐狸、金丝猴等。有熊wild animals, jackals, deer, buffalo, blue sheep, snow pig, panda, fox, golden monkey and so on. 此外还有云母、水晶石等稀有矿藏。 In addition, mica, crystal stones and other rare minerals.

门巴族主要从事农业,擅长编制竹藤器和制作木琬。门巴族mainly engaged in agriculture, good preparation and production of bamboo wood-Wan. 兼营牧业,辅以狩猎和采集。 Diversified into animal husbandry, supplemented by hunting and gathering. 门巴语属汉藏语系藏缅语族藏语支。 Memba language is Sino-Tibetan language Tibetan Tibeto-Burman language support. 有自己的语言,无本民族文字,方言差别较大,多通晓藏语。 Have their own language, not the national language, dialect differences in a larger, more familiar with the Tibetan language. 普遍信仰藏传佛教。 The general belief of Tibetan Buddhism.

据藏文史籍记载,门巴族的先民很早就在西藏南部的喜马拉雅山区繁衍生息。 According to Tibetan historical records, the ancestors门巴族very early in the Himalayas in southern Tibet evolved. 门巴族聚居的门隅地区,历来是我国领土不可分割的一部分。门巴族populated corner of the gate areas, has always been an inalienable part of China. 早在公元七世纪,门隅即属我国吐蕃地方政权的版图。 As early as the seventh century AD, an upper door Tibetan local government of China's territory. 13世纪,错那以南的门隅地区作为西藏的一部分正式归入中国版图。 The 13th century, the south door of the wrong corner of the region as a part of Tibet was officially incorporated into China's territory. 在政治 、 经济 、 文化 、 宗教上与藏族有着密切联系,长期使用藏历、藏币。 In the political, economic, culture, religion and the Tibetan is closely related to long-term use of the Tibetan calendar, possession of currency.

门巴族人民和藏族人民长期友好往来,互通婚姻,在政治、经济、文化、宗教信仰、生活习俗等方面都有十分密切的关系。门巴族people and the long-term friendly exchanges between the Tibetan people, exchanging marriage, in the political, economic, cultural, and religious beliefs, customs and other aspects of life are very closely related. 藏历元旦是门巴族最重要的节日。 Tibetan New Year is the most important festival门巴族. 每年7月,都要庆祝本民族的望果节。 July each year, we must look to celebrate the nation's fruit section.