[1] Xianghua Fu, Guo Liu, Yanyan Guo, and Zhiqiang Wang. Mulit-aspect Sentiment Analysis for Chinese Online Social Reviews Based on Topic Modeling and HowNet Lexicon. Knowledge-Based Systems. 37(1), pp 186-195, 2013.
[2] Xianghua Fu, Liandong Liu, and Chao Wang. Detection of Community Overlap According to Belief Propagation and Conflict. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 392(4), pp 941-952, 2013.
[3] Xianghua Fu, Chao Wang, Zhiqiang Wang, and Zhong Ming. Threshold Random Walkers for Community Detection in Complex Networks. Journal of Software. 8(2), pp 286-295, 2013
[4] Xianghua Fu, Chao Wang, Zhiqiang Wang, and Zhong Ming. Scalable Community Discovery Based on Threshold Random Walk. Journal of Computational Information System. 8(11), pp 8953-8960, 2012
[5] Xianghua Fu, Dongjian Chen, Zhiqiang Wang, and Zhong Ming. Query Topic Classification Based on Index Terms Association Expansion. Journal of Computational Information System. 7(12), pp5535- 5544, 2011.
[6] 傅向华,李坚强,杜文峰,王志强.基于Nystr?m低阶近似的半监督流形排序图像检索.自动化学报, 37(7), pp 787-793, 2011
[7] 傅向华,刘国,郭岩岩,郭武彪.中文博客多方面话题情感分析研究.中文信息学报. 27(1), pp 47-55, 2013
[8] 傅向华,陈冬剑,王志强.基于倒排索引位运算的深度优先频繁项集挖掘.小型微型计算机系统, 33(8), pp 1747-1751, 2012
[9] 傅向华,刘国,陈冬剑.一种核心子集选择训练的大规模中文网页分类方法.小型微型计算机系统, 32(8), pp 1608-1612, 2011
[10] Xianghua Fu*, Yanyan Guo, Wubiao Guo, and Zhiqiang Wang: Aspect and Sentiment Extraction Based on Information-Theoretic Co-clustering. in Proceedings of The 9th International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN 2012), LNAI 7368, pp 326-335, Shenyang, China, July 7-14, 2012
[11] Xianghua Fu*, Xueping Guo, Chao Wang, and Zhiqiang Wang: Overlapping community discovery based on core nodes and LDA topic modeling. in Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD 2012), pp 1325-1329, Chongqing, China, May 29-31, 2012
[12] Xianghua Fu*, Guo Liu, Yanyan Guo, and Wubiao Guo. Multi-aspect Blog Sentiment Analysis Based on LDA Topic Model and Hownet Lexicon. in Proceedings of International Conference on Web Information Systems and Mining 2011 (WISM2011), LNCS 6988, pp 131-138, Taiyuan, China, September 24-25, 2011 [13] Xianghua Fu*, Liandong Liu, Tianxue Gong, and Lan Tao. Improving Text Classification with concept Index Terms and Expansion Terms. in Proceedings of 8th International Symposium on Neural Networks ( ISNN 2011), LNCS 6677, pp 485-492, Guilin, China, May 29-June1, 2011
[14] Xianghua Fu*, Dongjian Chen, Xueping Guo, and Chao Wang. Query Classification Based on Index Association Rule Expansion. in Proceedings of International Conference on Web Information Systems and Mining 2011 (WISM2011), LNCS 6988, pp 311-318, Taiyuan, China, September 24-25, 2011