成语大全网 - 汉语词典 - you're a piece of work.怎么理解翻译

you're a piece of work.怎么理解翻译

引 A Way with Words 中的一段话:

If someone’s a piece of work, they’re a real pain in the rear.Merriam-Webster defines a piece of work as “a complicated, difficult, or eccentric person.”The expression appears to derive from Hamlet: “What a piece of work is a man!”

这句话的大意:如果说某人是“a piece of work”,其身后常背负真正的痛苦。韦氏词典将"a piece of work"定义为:"一个复杂、 困难或古怪的人"。这个表达似乎源自《哈姆雷特 》:“What a piece of work is a man!” 其中,What a piece of work is a man! 常被翻译为:人类是一件多么了不得的杰作!

故 you're a piece of work. 可以理解为:您真是个“杰作”。(通常含讽意)。理解时,褒贬之意,一定要看背景和语境。