成语大全网 - 汉语词典 - 20个英语单词的例句,要中文,快


All the pictures should be faced forward. 所有的图片都应朝前摆。 He lost everything that was dear to him. 他所珍惜的一切都失去了。 They made a rush for the exit. 他们猛然冲向出口处。 i placed my photo on the table. 我放了我的照片在桌子上。 She arrived here three days ago. 三天前她来到此地。 where is my books. 我的书在哪? A throng of shoppers pushed against one another to the display tables of the department store. 一群顾客你推我搡地挤到百货公司的展示柜台前。 Joe sat on the bed while Martin was unpacking. 马丁打开箱子取东西的时候,乔坐在床上。 my nail polish was on my dresser. 我的指甲油就在我的梳妆台上。 i placed my books on the bookcase. 我把我的书都放在书架上. She bought the sofa at the department store. 她在百货公司买了这沙发。 He pulled up a chair. 他拖过一把椅子。The paper is in my desk drawer. 论文在我书桌的抽屉里。 Hot climate and plentiful rainfall favour the growth of plants. 炎热的气候和充足的雨水有助于植物生长。 They lay down under the shade of a tree. 他们躺在一棵树的树阴下。 John and Susan phoned.They're coming round this evening. 约翰和苏珊来了电话, 他们今晚要来。 I honestly don't know. 我真的不知道。 the fruits was inside the bag. 在我的袋里是一些水果。 math is the only subject that i don't like. 数学是我唯一不喜欢的课