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shit /?t/


1 [U] OFFENSIVE the solid waste which is released from the bowels of a person or animal; excrement:

There's so much dog shit on the pavement.

See also bullshit; shite.

2 [S] OFFENSIVE the act of releasing solid waste from the bowels:

I need to have/US take a shit.

3 [C or U] OFFENSIVE someone or something you do not like,especially because they are unpleasant or of low quality:

She talks a load of shit.

The man's a complete shit.

4 OFFENSIVE insults,criticism or unkind or unfair treatment:

Ben gets a lot of shit from his parents about the way he dresses.

Jackie doesn't take (any) shit from anyone (= does not allow anyone to treat her badly).

5 US OFFENSIVE used in negatives to mean 'anything':

He doesn't know shit about what's going on.

shit /?t/

verb [I] shitting,shit or shat or shitted,shit or shat or shitted OFFENSIVE

to excrete solid waste from the bowels:

That dog had better not shit in the house again!

MAINLY US I need to shit real bad.

shit yourself verb [R] OFFENSIVE

to be extremely frightened:

She was shitting herself,especially when he pulled out a gun.