成语大全网 - 汉语词典 - what does the sign exit mean? it means( )A you can open the door if you pull B you can go in through

what does the sign exit mean? it means( )A you can open the door if you pull B you can go in through

1。exit n。 way out , 出口。——从大词典查到

只有 “ D。 you may go out from that door” 的意思与 “出口” 相符。


只有挑选 D were asked 句子意思才通顺。

选 A,B,——他们请求……。请求谁去帮助农民?没有说,句子不通。

C,are to ask,他们去请求……。同样没有说出请求谁去帮助农民,句子的意思也是莫名其妙。