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Earthworms of the species Eisenia fetida andrei were purchased from Jia Liming Earthworm Farm Co., Ltd. (Tianjin, China) and maintained in the laboratory in a culture medium according to ISO 11268-1 (1993) (Annex A: Example of breeding technique for E. fetida). Earthworms were cultured in the laboratory at room temperature (20°C) on moist soil mixed with decayed leaves and well decomposed cow manure. Distilled water was given to reach 60% of maximum water-holding capacity. Water content was readjusted weekly. Soil was changed every four weeks and earthworms were maintained until required for experimentation. The earthworms used in this experiment were adults with well-developed clitella. The individual fresh weights of the adults earthworms used in the experiment varied between 350 and 400 mg.