Part 4: Responsibilities of an IRB
Part 5: Criteria for IRB Approval of Research
Part 6: Expedited Review
Ⅰ、Provision of an Infrastructure to Support the Ethical Review of Proposed and Ongoing Research.?This infrastructure includes the following IRB processes:
? i、Perform its functions according to written operating procedures.
? ii、Maintain written records of its activities and minutes of its meetings.
? iii、Comply with all applicable federal and state regulatory requirement(s).
? iv、Should review a proposed clinical trial within a reasonable timeframe.
? v、Make its decisions at announced meetings at which a quorum is present.
? vi、Retain all relevant records (e.g., written procedures, membership lists, lists of occupations/affiliations of members, submitted documents, minutes of meetings, and correspondence) for a period of at least 3 years after completion of a study and make them available upon request from any regulatory authority.
? vii、Notify investigators promptly in writing of its decisions, stating the reasons for those decisions and noting the procedures for appeal.
1、 提供基础设施,支持对拟定和正在进行的研究进行伦理审查。 包括以下IRB流程:
(1) 根据书面操作程序 执行 其功能。
(2)保存其活动的 书面记录 和 会议记录 。
(3)遵守所有适用的 联邦和州监管 要求。
(4)应在合理的时间范围内 审查 拟定的临床试验。
(5)在法定人数出席的已宣布会议上作出 决定 。
(6)完成研究后,将所有相关 记录 (如书面程序、成员名单、成员职业/从属关系列表、提交的文件、会议记录和信函)保留至少3年,并在任何监管机构要求时提供。
(7)立即以书面形式通知 调查 人员其决定,说明作出这些决定的原因,并说明上诉程序。
Ⅱ、Reviewing and Understanding the Full Plan of Study. To provide a full review, the IRB should obtain the following documents (examples of information included in a full plan of study):
? i、Study protocol(s) and protocol amendment(s).
? ii、Written Informed Consent Form(s) and consent form updates that the investigator proposes to use.
? iii、Documents and other media relating to participant recruitment procedures (e.g., advertisements).
? iv、Written information to be provided to participants including questionnaires and explanatory materials.
? v、Information about payments and compensation available to participants.
? vi、Investigator's Brochure.
? vii、Available safety information, including references to relevant literature.
? viii、Investigator's current curriculum vitae and/or other documentation that provides evidence of the investigator's qualifications.
? ix、Any other documents needed to fulfill the IRB's responsibilities.
2、 回顾和理解整个学习计划。为提供全面审查,IRB应获得以下文件 (完整研究计划中包含的信息示例):
(1)? 研究方案 和 方案修订 。
(2)研究人员拟使用的 书面知情同意书 和同意书更新。
(3)与参与者 招聘程序有关的文件 和 其他媒体 (如广告)。
(4)向参与者提供的书面信息,包括 问卷 和 说明材料 。
(5) 参与者可获得的 付款 和 报酬信息 。
(6) 调查员手册 。
(7)可用的 安全信息 ,包括相关文献的参考。
(8)研究人员的当前简历和/或提供研究人员 资格证明的其他文件 。
Ⅲ、Keeping a Written Record of IRB Decisions.?The following written records should be kept pertaining to an IRB's review of a proposed study:
? i、Identification of the study.
? ii、List of documents reviewed.
? iii、Decision reached: Approval, Disapproval, Rationale for disapproval.
? iv、Termination or suspension of prior approval.
? v、Date decision was reached.
? vi、Correspondence with the investigator.
3、 保留IRB决定的书面记录。 关于IRB对拟定研究的审查,应保留以下书面记录:
(1) 研究鉴定 。
(2) 审查文件 清单。
(3)?达成的 决定 :批准、不批准、不批准的理由。
(4)?终止或暂停 事先批准 。
(5)?达成决定的 日期 。
Ⅳ、Considering the Investigator's Qualifications
The IRB should consider the qualifications of the investigator for the proposed study, as documented by a current curriculum vitae or other relevant documentation.
Ⅴ、Conducting Continuing Review of Ongoing Studies
The IRB conducts continuing review of each ongoing study at intervals appropriate to the degree of risk to human participants. By regulation, this interval must be at least once per year.
Ⅵ、Requesting More Information When Necessary
The IRB may request more information to assist in their review. One of the reasons for such a request would be when the IRB judges that the additional information would add meaningfully to the protection of the rights, safety, or well-being of participants.
Ⅶ、Reviewing Incentives for Participation
Payment to participants for their participation in a research study must never be coercive in either amount or method of distribution. (This issue is also discussed in the Informed Consent module.)
The IRB should review both the amount and method of payment to participants to assure that neither exerts undue influence on study participants. Payments to participants should be prorated (divided in a proportional manner) and not entirely contingent on a participant's completion of the study (no large, consolidated payment at the end).
The IRB should confirm that information regarding payment to participants, including the methods, amounts, and schedule of payments to study participants, is justified by the protocol and set forth in the written Informed Consent Form and any other written information provided to participants. The way payment will be prorated should be specified.
Some IRBs have written requirements concerning what is adequate compensation for study participants. Investigators should be familiar with these requirements before submitting a protocol to the IRB for approval.
7、 审查参与激励措施
The Belmont Report , the report of the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research established three key principles that underlie the current system of human research protections: respect for persons, beneficence (do no harm/maximize possible benefits and minimize possible harms), and justice. These principles are the basis for the criteria for Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval of research (Reference: The Belmont Report).
《贝尔蒙特报告》 是国家保护生物医学和行为研究人体受试者委员会的报告,其中确立了当前人类研究保护体系的三项关键原则: 尊重人 、 慈善 (无害/尽可能获益,尽可能减少伤害)和 公正 。这些原则是机构审查委员会(IRB)批准研究的标准的基础(参考文献: 《贝尔蒙特报告》)
Users are instructed as follows:?Select from the three principles as they relate to the given criteria and descriptions: Respect; Beneficence?; Justice. Then, after selecting the related principle, feedback is provided on your response.
Criteria 1: Risks to Participants are Minimized
The IRB should ensure that procedures used in the proposed research are consistent with sound research design, that they do not expose participants to risk unnecessarily, and, when appropriate, involve diagnostic or treatment procedures that pose no further risk.
Criteria 2: Risks to Participants are Reasonable in Relation to Anticipated Benefits
The IRB should consider only risks and benefits that may result from the research, as distinct from risks and benefits of therapies participants would receive even if they were not participating in the research. The IRB should not consider the possible long-range effects of applying the knowledge gained in the research.
Criteria 3: Selection of Participants is Equitable
No single gender or racial, ethnic, or socioeconomic group should disproportionately carry the burden or reap the benefits of the research. The IRB should ensure that the gender and racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic status of the participants of a research study match as closely as possible to that of the persons expected to benefit from the research.
The IRB should also be mindful of the special challenges of research involving vulnerable populations, such as children, prisoners, pregnant women, mentally disabled persons, or economically or educationally disadvantaged persons.
Criteria 4: Informed Consent is Properly Obtained and Documented
The IRB must review the informed consent form and ensure that Informed Consent is sought from each prospective participant or from the participant's legally authorized representative. The IRB must also ensure that the process of obtaining Informed Consent is properly documented. (This topic is discussed in detail in the Informed Consent module.)
Adequate provision is made for monitoring the data collected to ensure the safety of participants.
The IRB must review the plans for data collection, storage and analysis and for ensuring participant safety. This includes the plan for capturing and reporting information about adverse events. (Adverse events are covered in the Participant Safety and Adverse Events module.)
Complex or high-risk studies may be required to have a data and safety monitoring plan. Some sponsors may require all studies to have a data safety monitoring plan. For example, in the Clinical Trials Network, all studies must have a data and safety monitoring plan and be monitored by a Data and Safety Monitoring Board.
Criteria 5: Adequate Provision is Made to Protect Participants' Privacy and Maintain the Confidentiality of Data
Protection of participants' privacy. The IRB must consider whether the research involves an invasion of privacy. Factors to be considered include:
Ⅰ、The private or sensitive nature of the information sought.
Ⅱ、The likelihood that participants will regard the study as an invasion of privacy.
Ⅲ、The importance of the research.
Ⅳ、The availability of alternative ways to conduct the study.
Confidentiality of data. IRBs must evaluate whether adequate provisions exist to safeguard the confidentiality of information that is collected. (See Confidentiality module.)
Feedback: Which of the three principles relates to this criterion: Respect, Beneficence, or Justice? This criterion relates to the principle of respect for persons in the Belmont Report.
Criteria 6: Additional Safeguards are Included for Vulnerable Populations
Some individuals' willingness to volunteer in a clinical trial may be unduly influenced by the expectation, whether justified or not, of benefits associated with participation, or by actual or perceived coercion by persons in positions of authority. Examples of such vulnerable populations include:
Ⅲ、Pregnant women.
Ⅳ、Mentally disabled persons.
Ⅴ、Economically or educationally disadvantaged persons.
Ⅵ、Patients with incurable diseases.
Ⅶ、Patients in emergency situations.
Ⅷ、Medical, nursing, dental, and pharmacy students.
Ⅸ、Subordinate hospital personnel.
Ⅹ、Members of the armed forces.
When some or all of a study's participants are likely to be drawn from a vulnerable population, the IRB must ensure that appropriate additional safeguards are included in the study to protect the rights and welfare of these participants. Such additional safeguards may include:
Ⅰ、Heightened monitoring of the informed consent process. In some cases, the IRB may wish to approve the enrollment of each participant in the study.
Ⅱ、Changes to the composition of the IRB. For example, when research involving prisoners is being reviewed, at least one voting member (or Alternate) of the IRB must be a prisoner or a prisoners' representative with appropriate background and experience to serve in that capacity. If a particular research project is under the jurisdiction of more than one IRB, each IRB of record needs to satisfy this requirement.
An IRB may use an expedited review procedure for research that:
Ⅰ、Involves no more than minimal risk and
Ⅱ、Falls into a category that appears on an approved list of categories of research eligible for expedited review.
1、 涉及最小的风险和危险
2、属于符合 加急审查条件的研究类别 核准清单上的一类。
An IRB may also use expedited review to approve minor changes in previously approved research that are made during the period (1 year or less) for which the approval is authorized. The IRB must have written procedures that specify how an expedited review will be conducted.
An expedited review (which may involve less waiting time for IRB approval) may be carried out by the IRB chairperson or by one or more experienced IRB members designated by the chairperson. The reviewers may exercise all of the authorities of the IRB except that of disapproving the research. A proposal submitted for expedited review may be disapproved only by the full IRB.
The Department of Health and Human Services has determined that certain types of research involve no more than minimal risk and are therefore eligible for expedited review.
The following are examples of research that may be eligible for expedited review:
Ⅰ、Collection of hair or baby teeth.
Ⅱ、Collection of external secretions, including sweat and saliva.
Ⅲ、Recording of data from adults using noninvasive procedures that are routinely employed in clinical practice (not including exposure to electromagnetic radiation outside the visible range, for example, x- rays or microwaves.)
Ⅳ、Collection of blood samples by venipuncture.
Ⅴ、Voice recordings made for research purposes, such as investigations of speech defects.
Ⅵ、Moderate exercise by healthy volunteers.
Ⅶ、Study of existing data, documents, records, pathological specimens, or diagnostic specimens.
1、收集 头发 或 乳牙 。
2、收集 外分泌液 ,包括汗液和唾液。
3、使用临床实践中常规使用的 无创程序 记录成人数据(不包括暴露于可见范围外的电磁辐射,例如x射线或微波)
4、 静脉穿刺采集血样 。
5、为研究目的而录制的 语音记录 ,如语音缺陷调查。
6、健康志愿者 适度运动 。
7、 现有数据、文件、记录、病理标本或诊断标本 的研究。
Further information about the types of research that may be eligible for expedited review may be found on the Office of Human Research Protections website.