成语大全网 - 汉语词典 - 关于英语翻译!高分


I support you. I too always look down on those who use the online translator to translate. I mean, what comes out of the translators is totally, completely rubbish which is screwed up in both grammar and vocabulary. We genuine translators use our brain to translate, and we do it out of passion or to help other people, unlike some, only aim to win the points with whatever means possible.

我支持你。 我也看不起那些用网上翻译器翻译的家伙。 我是说, 翻译器翻出来的东西真的都只是垃圾, 不管语法还是词汇的选择都有很多毛病。 我们这些货真价实的翻译是用我们的头脑翻译的, 是出自我们对语言的热诚或是想帮助别人, 不像那些人, 只为了赚取分数就不择手段。

I have been doing translation on baidu.com for about 2 years now, and I do it only out of my interest in studying the languages. Every time when I saw people use online translator to translate, I feel really angry because what we genuine translators do is to carefully examine the sentence structure, choose the correct word to use and make sure that we had done our best in it, whereas those who use translator is merely copying and pasting with one click of button after that. They do not care about the quality of the passages being translated, and to me, this is a very irresponsible act, an insult to our country’s language.

我已经在百度做了大概两年的翻译, 我完全是出自对学习语言的兴趣才给人们翻译的。 每次看到有些人用网络翻译器翻译都会觉得很不高兴, 因为我们真正的翻译翻译时是要先仔细的检查句型, 选择正确的词语并且确保我们已经尽了我们最大的能力去翻译, 然而那些用翻译器的只不过是拷贝粘贴, 再按一下按钮就行了。 他们更本不管翻译出来的文章的质量, 对我而言, 这是一种非常不负责任的行为, 是对我们国家的语言的一种侮辱。

Of course, I do know that online translator is really convenient, and it is indeed the only choice for the starters. But still, we should try to translate ourselves, because firstly, computers can’t think like we do, we are the only solution for a perfect translation. Secondly, over-dependent on online translators will only make your lose your grip on the correct language, and therefore losing the purpose of learning the language. So, I strongly urge everyone to try to translate yourself and stay away from translators if you really want to master the language.

当然, 我也知道网络翻译器确实很方便, 初学者要翻译也真的需要依赖它。 但是, 我们应该试着自己去翻译, 因为首先, 电脑不能像我们一样思考, 所以我们才是完美翻译的不二法门。 第二, 过于依赖网络翻译器只会让你无法掌握正确的语言, 所以学习语言的目的也就达不到了。 所以, 如果你真的想要经同一门语言的话, 我强烈建议大家都尝试自己翻译, 远离翻译器。

The above passage is written and translated by myself alone. You can check my scoring records in my account, almost all of my points are earned by translation. It is not difficult to master a language, but you must put in the painstaking effort to learn it. If you want to practice translation, translator is never preferred; your brain is definitely more effective. Trust me.

以上文章是我自己写出并翻译的。 大家可以去看我百度账户的得分纪录, 差不多所有的分数都是翻译得来的。 要掌握一门语言不难, 但你必须要下苦功。 如果你要练翻译的话, 翻译器绝对不是首选, 你的大脑肯定更有效。 相信我。

Thank you. Side_effect.


*楼下的各位朋友,其实在不应该使用翻译器的同时, 也希望各位在回答问题时所给出的答案是自己辛苦想出来的,如果抄袭别人的答案, 这同样是不对的。