成语大全网 - 汉语词典 - make inventions and innovations是什么意思

make inventions and innovations是什么意思

make inventions and innovations:发明创造


1、Invention and creation of weapon or production and innovation of equipment depend on advanced science and technology


2、Looking back thousands of years in human history , the inventions and creations of science and technology always promote the development of social history and the reform in military fields


3、These inventions and creations of china have brought forward the rationalistic brilliance of coordination between humanity and the nature and the integration of scientific spirit with moral ideals


4、With respect to inventions and creations in cooperative development , the right to apply for a patent shall be jointly owned by the parties who participated in the cooperative development , except as otherwise agreed upon by the parties



n.发明物; 发明( invention的名词复数 ); 捏造; 创造力;



n.改革( innovation的名词复数 ); 新观念; 新事物; 新设施;