成语大全网 - 汉语词典 - 几个生化名词解释:ε p 、Rep蛋白、HbS

几个生化名词解释:ε p 、Rep蛋白、HbS

Rep protein





Hb heamoglobin 血红蛋白

Hemoglobin S (haemoglobin S)

Hemoglobin S is an abnormal version of the protein hemoglobin. The sixth amino acid of the normal beta chain, glutamic acid, is replaced by valine with gluconic acid. This mutation causes the red blood cell to take on a sickle shape, and is the cause of the sickle cell trait condition (when the individual is heterozygous for this mutant hemoglobin) and the disease of sickle cell anemia (when the individual is homozygous for this mutant hemoglobin).



ε p 也许就是

"ε(P) 摩尔磷吸收光系数 是衡量DNA变性的指标 该数据越大DNA变性越严重 增色效应与减色效应就是以它为标准测定的"


"We give a derivation of the dispersion law

ε(p)=2p2/2m+ V (p) ? V (0),where V (p)

is the Fourier transform of the pair interaction potential V (r). (The interaction between particles xi and xj is V (|xi ? xj |).)"