成语大全网 - 汉语词典 - ask sb to do sth?ask sb doing sth

ask sb to do sth?ask sb doing sth

ask sb. to do sth. ?

1ask sb. doing sth., ?,

2: make sb. do sth. ?let sb. do sth.?have sb. do sth?get sb. to do sth. ?

3Subject(?)+Verb(?)+ Indirect object()+Direct object ()

: My father bought me a present.


1?I've come to ask you to do me a favour.?


2?Don't ask me to do impossible things. ?

3?It is not in reason to ask him to do such a job. ?


4?Is this what they ask you to do


5?I couldn't ask you to do that. that's too much. ?
