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1, 他愤而采取行动。

He takes immediate action with anger.

2, 他的父亲有英国血统,住在爱尔兰已经有100年的历史了。

His father whose family has been living in Ireland for a hundred years is a British by descent.

3, 我的孩子安睡着,全然不知有威胁和暴力的存在,却易受暴力的伤害。

My kids are deep in sleep,totally ignoring the existance of threat and violence which may hurt them.

4, 这一类讨论似乎只会导致口角。

Such discussion will obviously lead us to quarrelling.

5, 尽管那妇人喊救命,却没有人去救他。

Despite her cry for help,nobody came to save her.

6, 人不以人道对人,令无数人悲伤。

People treat others without humanity,which makes many people sad.

7, 救中国之道,不在于扩充军队,而在于普及教育,振兴实业。

The key to save China is not to enlarge its army,but to carry out universal education to strength its people.

8, 这件事后,我对友谊的理解有了更深刻的理解。

I have a clear understanding about friendship after this case.

9, 新文学运动主张废除过往的历史。

The May 4th Movement strongly insists on abolishing the old rules.

10, 这位慈善家希望,他的恳求会使一些人 决定为这项迫切的工作奉献。

This philanthropist wishes his appeal could help parts of people to make decision on making contribution to this urgent task.

11, 他的苦难很快就会过去的。

His pains will disappear before long.

12, 保姆已经进入寝室,料理私事去了。

The baby-mindings entered the dorm to deal with personal affairs.

13, 你打算穿什么去参加那个宴会。

What would you like to dress for the party?

14, 纪念碑很容易让人想起古老的传统。

The monument can easily bring up our memory about old traditions.

15, 他被派往非常去从事传教工作。

He is arranged to be engaged in Religion Preaching.

16, 他为人稳重,情感亦深藏不露。

He is steady and expresses his feelings indirectly.