成语大全网 - 汉语词典 - "daylight""sunlight""sunshine"的区别?




日光, 白昼

We'll keep on driving while there's still daylight.

趁着天亮, 我们继续往前开车。



sunlight——不可数名词 n.[U] 日光;阳光

light from the sun ·

The sunlight made us feel warm and sleepy. 阳光使我们觉得暖和、困倦。 ·

too much sunlight 阳光太强


n.[U] 阳光;日照 bright light from the sun ·

The sunshine didn't last long. 日光照耀的时间并不长(阳光从云后出来的时间不长,又隐没了)。 ·

Come out into the sunshine and play. 出来到阳光底下来玩。 ·

We haven't had much sunshine this week. 这个星期我们没有看到多少阳光。 ·

the sunshine of her smile 她那令人愉快的微笑

但是要注意: sunshine还有别的意思: n. 鼓舞,安慰,希望

balm bright prospects calm cheer clear sailing clear skies comfort ease encouragement inspiration

n. 愉快,欢乐,快活

bliss blitheness cheerfulness cheeriness gaiety gladness happiness joy joyfulness light-heartedness merriness 而sunlight就是单纯的阳光,没有这些意思。