成语大全网 - 汉语词典 - morethan,ratherthan和otherthan有什么区别


rather than 用来表示“是...而不是...”,通常连接两个并列成分

He is an artist rather than a philosopher.


sb/sth is more A than B表示“与其说sb/sth是B,不如说是A”

He is more an artist than a philosopher.


sb/sth is not more A than B表示“与其说sb/sth是A,不如说是B”

He is not more an artist than a philosopher.


注意:这里的not more...than 与疑难短语(一)中所讲的不同,疑难短语(一)中所讲的not more...than所作比较的是主语和than后面的词语,而这里所讲的not more...than 所作比较的是than前和than后的词语,要注意区分.

other than有两种意思:一是用来表示否定意义,即“不同于(= different from),非(= not)";二是用来表示排除意义,即“除了”,相当于except.例如:

The truth is quite other than what you think.事实真相和你们想的完全不一样.

They are patriotic and support socialism,although many of them come from other than working class families.他们是爱国的,是拥护社会主义的,尽管他们当中有许多人并非出身于工人阶级家庭.

She can hardly be other than grateful.她除了感激之外还能怎么样呢.

He has visited every country in Asia other than Japan.除了日本之外,他访问了所有的亚洲国家.