成语大全网 - 汉语词典 - commit有道词典



commit 在英语中并非只用于 “commit a crime" 之类的负面词义,也用于表达 do、perform、put in trust or charge、entrust 等意思。

committed 是形容词(现在许多词典已经将 committed 单列成词条),意思是”致力于”、“献身于”、“忠实于”、“有意于” (dedicated, devoted, loyal, intent)等等。例:

He said the government remained committed to attaining peace.

committed 还与 involved、promised、engaged 等词同义或近义:

It would have meant cancelling several meetings which I was already committed to.

作为一种修辞手段,committed and involved 合起来用也是可以的,意思是“全身心地投入”。


后评:此句不像是中国学生写的英文。句中有些词的运用是很地道而又有修辞功底的,如 committed and involved、effectively very active、和 to follow and validate 等。