成语大全网 - 汉语词典 - “上网”翻译成英文怎么写?



top wire;get / surf on-line

to get on the Internet;surf the net

approach the net;Surfing the Internet


1. 两年的研究表明,上网次数多的人与较少的人相比,即使是一周仅上网几小时也会经常地感觉到沮丧和孤独。

Even people who spent just a few hours a week on the Internet experienced more depression and loneliness than those who logged on less frequently, the two-year study showed.

2. 在我看来上网聊天是在浪费时间。

However, I must say that chatting online is a waste of time.

3. 我们在工作单位的上网速度很快。

We have high-speed Internet access at work.

hardly ever

adj. 很少(几乎从不,难得)

hardly ever..很少,几乎从不 | 几乎不 | 几乎从不 | 很少

Everyone is so untrue 每个人都如此的虚伪

Honesty is hardly ever heard 真诚已许久不曾听过

And mostly what I need from you 也是我希望从你身上得到的 ...

wind in my face it hardly ever rains..风在我的脸上很难下起大雨

Hardly ever wrong I said man you mean..男子几乎不对我说你的意思

In Hertford, Hereford and Hampshire,Hurricanes Hardly Ever Happen..飓风何所惧!


1. You hardly ever see owls in the daytime.

白天几乎看不 到猫头鹰.

2. I hardly ever see them nowadays.


3. It hardly ever snows in Florida.
