access ['?0?3kses; '?0?3ks?0?5s; ?0?3k'ses] n.1. 接近,临近;进入;(人的)可进见;(地的)可抵近2. 接近(或进入,享用)的机会;接近(或进入,享用)权3. 入口,入门,入径;通道;使用途径;接近(或进入,使用)的门路(或方法)4. (感情等的)突发,发作;(怒气、绝望等的)爆发5. (疾病的)侵袭,突然发作,阵发,发病,突然开始(of);袭击6. 增加,添加;增长7. 即将来临,渐近8. [英国英语]“向公众开放”专栏节目播送(供某些团体用电视台、电台作宣传、传递信息等节目的播送)临时让与(电台或电视台为让某独立团体或组织使用广播设备而临时放弃安排节目)9. [A-]“便捷”信用卡,存取卡(英国和欧洲的信用卡)10. 计算机访问,存取;进网11. 通讯访问12. 宗教进谒13. = access timevt.1. 接近;利用:Bank customers can access their checking accounts instantly through the electronic system.银行户主可通过电子系统即刻查找自己的支票活期存款账户。(或:银行客户可通过电子系统立即取出活期存款。)2. 计算机取得(数据);访问,存取(泛指取数或存数),在…上存取数据;取数;使用;接近;进网;接通(计算机);(信息)输入存储装置:to access data取数据Branch officials can access the central database.分行官员可利用中央数据库。3. 取得到达…的通路;到达4. 深刻感受,切身体验,触及内心深处(以缓解心中的情绪和欲望)adj.电视向公众开放的access ['?0?3kses, '?0?3ks?0?5s, ?0?3k'ses] n.1. the right to enter2. the right to obtain or make use of or take advantage of something (as services or membership)3. a way of entering or leavinghe took a wrong turn on the access to the bridge 4. a code (a series of characters or digits) that must be entered in some way (typed or dialed or spoken) to get the use of something (a telephone line or a computer or a local area network etc.)5. (computer science) the operation of reading or writing stored information6. the act of approaching or enteringhe gained access to the building v.1. obtain or retrieve from a storage device; as of information on a computer2. reach or gain access toHow does one access the attic in this house? 以上来源于: WordNet