成语大全网 - 汉语词典 - walk a fine line这里是什么意思

walk a fine line这里是什么意思

Idiom Definitions for 'Walk a fine line'


If you have to walk a fine line, you have to be very careful not to annoy or anger people or groups that are competing. ('Walk a thin line' is an alternative.)

1. There's a fine line between boastful and confident. And you need to learn it.


2. Others say that there's a fine line between the pageants and sexual exploitation.


3. She wished he would stop talking like that, but Minmei knew she was walking a fine line again.


4. Luxury-goods executives must walk a fine line when cutting prices.


5. So, you know, when I'm playing well on clay, it's a fine line that I kind of have to walk between those two.


It means to steer a risky and difficult course between two policies... to be so near the edge of one that you risk falling into another less desirable one. All of which is a pretty unclear definition, so maybe an example might help.


"With his current policy approach towards Iraq, President Bush walks a fine line between the interests of national security and those of warmongering."

The metaphor's from tightrope walking, I'd guess.

朗文和麦克米兰和柯林斯词典都没有walk a fine line的解释这是一个新词语,应该是由walk a tightrope (这个idiom是可以在朗文上查到的)而来,国外论坛上也有人这么猜。

A fine line is a very thin thread like a fishing line.

正好我也看着CNN里面提到了a fine line to walk..一起学习吧。