成语大全网 - 汉语词典 - 万圣节的由来 要英语版的,最后翻译

万圣节的由来 要英语版的,最后翻译

More than 2,000 years ago, the European Christian Church designated November 1 as "the day of the saints of the world".?

"Hallow" means saints. Legend has it that Celts living in Ireland, Scotland and other places moved the festival forward for a day, October 31, 500 B.C.

They think it's the official end of summer, the beginning of the New Year and the beginning of the harsh winter.?

At that time, people believed that the dead soul of the deceased would return to their former residence on this day to find life on the living people, so as to regenerate, and this is the only hope that people can get regeneration after death.

The living are afraid of the soul of the dead to take life, so people put out the fire and candlelight on this day, so that the soul of the dead can not find a living person, and dress themselves as ghosts to frighten away the soul of the dead.?

Afterwards, they will rekindle the sparks and candles and start a new year's life.








