成语大全网 - 汉语词典 - formal instruction是什么意思

formal instruction是什么意思

formal instruction


1. 正规教学

2. 正式教学

3. 正式的训练

4. 形式教学

5. 形式上的讲授

6. 正式指导

7. 正规指令


1.A 2002 study found that one-third of us teenagers hadn't received any formal instruction about contraception.


2.What are the effects of formal instruction on second language acquisition?


3.If these tools are engaging enough, he said, students are more motivated and learn better than they would through formal instruction.


4.Two-thirds of 15-19-year-olds have had formal instruction in methods of birth control. Seems like we should do better, but anyways.


5.But the contributors to "field notes on science& nature" have a purpose: to demonstrate the importance of the field journal in scientific study for younger generations of researchers, who receive less and less formal instruction in their graduate work in keeping and maintaining field notes.
