成语大全网 - 汉语词典 - AI绘美创作辅助工具




Speech-to-text software - 语音转文字软件

Text-to-speech software - 文字转语音软件

Screen readers - 屏幕阅读器

Braille devices - 盲文设备

Magnification software - 放大镜软件

Voice recognition software - 语音识别软件

Keyboard shortcuts - 快捷键

Dictation software - 语音输入软件

Adaptive keyboards - 自适应键盘

Eye-tracking devices - 眼动追踪设备

Screen magnifiers - 屏幕放大器

Alternative input devices - 替代输入设备

Captioning and subtitles - 字幕和字幕

Assistive listening devices - 助听设备

Speech amplification devices - 声音放大设备

Screen color filters - 屏幕色彩滤镜

Word prediction software - 单词预测软件

Adaptive switches - 自适应开关

Tactile feedback devices - 触觉反馈设备

Mind mapping tools - 思维导图工具

Reading and writing aids - 阅读和写作辅助工具

Adaptive software interfaces - 自适应软件界面

Sound amplification devices - 声音放大设备

Adaptive gaming controllers - 自适应游戏控制器

Electronic organizers and reminders - 电子组织者和提醒

Speech therapy apps - 语言治疗应用程序

Cognitive training software - 认知训练软件

Mindfulness and meditation apps - 正念和冥想应用程序

Visual aids for reading and writing - 阅读和写作的视觉辅助工具

Assistive technology for mobility - 增强移动性的辅助技术

Time management apps - 时间管理应用程序

Personal finance management tools - 个人财务管理工具

Adaptive seating and posture aids - 自适应座椅和姿势辅助工具

Reminder apps - 提醒应用程序

Cognitive aids for memory and attention - 记忆和注意力的认知辅助工具

Assistive technology for hearing impairment - 听力障碍的辅助技术

Visual schedule apps - 视觉日程应用程序

Speech therapy tools - 语言治疗工具

Adaptive utensils - 自适应餐具

Assistive technology for visual impairment - 视觉障碍的辅助技术

Study aids and learning tools - 学习辅助和学习工具

Adaptive clothing and dressing aids - 自适应服装和穿衣辅助工具

Voice amplification devices - 声音放大设备

Assistive technology for communication - 交流的辅助技术

Visual aids for math and calculations - 数学和计算的视觉辅助工具

Adaptive bathroom and personal care aids - 自适应浴室和个人护理辅助工具

Mindfulness and relaxation aids - 正念和放松辅助工具

Adaptive exercise equipment - 自适应运动设备

Assistive technology for dexterity issues - 灵巧问题的辅助技术

Reminder watches and vibrating alarms - 提醒手表和振动闹钟

Study apps and note-taking tools - 学习应用和记笔记工具

Adaptive home automation systems - 自适应家庭自动化系统

Assistive technology for cognitive disabilities - 认知障碍的辅助技术

Adaptive gardening tools - 自适应园艺工具

Braille translation software - 盲文翻译软件

Assistive technology for motor impairments - 运动障碍的辅助技术

Adaptive cooking and kitchen aids - 自适应烹饪和厨房辅助工具

Assistive technology for learning disabilities - 学习障碍的辅助技术

Adaptive recreational equipment - 自适应娱乐设备

Assistive technology for speech impairments - 语言障碍的辅助技术